Since I work for myself I am very flexible on when I can get away and meet up.
I'm 19, bi, 5'8, 170 pounds in Duluth. I like live music and water sports.
I'm (straight). We know this will be just about impossible but we are only looking for other females in two specific types.Keep walking, that means don't email me wanting a hookup.. He does not participate or watch at all. He has even mentioned how hot it would be to catch me with someone, and I can honestly say, it gets me a little worked up thinking about it.
Nude singles in Broken Arrow right now.I have a thing for women 55+. Busy with work so not looking for anything serious at this time but I'm not against it if it happens. MN swingers sex party.
Fit, athletic, or very muscular, clean, pride in appearance, positive outlook on life. I am looking to find a friend that is in the same situation sexually and wants to be my sex toy. I'm not looking to replace her, just looking for someone to have a friendship and relationship with.